02/12/12 18:50
A specialised department in the Prosecutor's Office to investigate the cases of police brutality

A special department for countering crimes committed by or against employees of the Ministries of Interior, Justice and Defence will begin to operate under the umbrella of the Supreme Cassation Prosecution Office (SCPO). The department will also investigate cases of police violence, stated on BNR (Bulgarian National Radio) Steliana Kozhuharova, Spokeswoman of the Chief Prosecutor.
SCPO already has two new departments for countering corruption and for handling crimes committed by or against minors. "This reform is already in force as of Friday when the Chief Prosecutor signed the order," stated Kozhuharova.
The Department on Anti-Corruption will investigate cases of corruption and other crimes committed by senior government officials.
"This department will be serviced by specialised effective teams, having enough experience from their fight against organised crime. They will collaborate with the police, investigators, SANS (State Agency for National Security) and experts with respect to tackling corruption-related crimes," explained Kozhuharova.
The other Department under the umbrella of SCPO will deal with crimes committed by and against children and minors. "We must pay serious attention to these crimes in order to enable the young generation to grow up with a stronger sense of morality," added Kozhuharova. She said that, immediately after the issuing of the July report of the European Commission in 2011, the Prosecutor's Office took the necessary measures to implement its recommendations.
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Публикувана на 02/12/12 18:50 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/195253_A+specialised+department+in+the+Prosecutor%27s+Office+to+investigate+the+cases+of+police+brutality+
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