06/01/11 19:15
Boris Velchev insists that Military District Prosecutor's Offices investigate cases of police brutality

Military District Prosecutor's Offices should investigate cases of police arbitrariness, stated yesterday the Chief Prosecutor, Boris Velchev.
"My feeling is that the number of cases was lower when these fraudulent acts were investigated by the Military District Prosecutor's Offices," commented the Top Prosecutor. He acknowledged that the problem was real and reported that in 2010 overall 238 lawsuits were instigated against police officers, 72 of which related to acts of violence.
"It is asserted that all emblematic lawsuits have been failing. This is absolutely false," retorted also Velchev. According to him, these cases are more complicated, at least "due to the fact that the prosecutors operate under increased public and media pressure".
In the coming days, Velchev will submit to Parliament a report on the performance of the Prosecutor's Office in 2010. According to him, the document is testimony to the tremendous workload, as well as to the fact that the number of acquittals was less than 4%, while more than 50,000 people have been convicted. He added that the sentences for organised crime groups were increasing along with those for offences related to EU Funds frauds.
Asked whether the state prosecution will verify the allegations of Wikileaks for relations of the Bulgarian Prime Minister with criminal bosses, Velchev said that this could happen when sufficient data has been collected for making a reasonable presumption for an already committed crime. According to him, the cables contained "statements, but not data''. "Should we assume that someone might be investigated on the basis of allegations, can you imagine what a lawful country Bulgaria will be," commented he.
Boris Velchev made a similar statement on all written cables concerning him. According to Wikileaks, Velchev made arrangements with judges to issue convictions in specific cases. "Do you seriously believe that there is any judge in Bulgaria who can confirm with his/her signature that on my behalf and I personally have tried to influence him/her on any particular case. I think that there is no such judge," replied he.
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Публикувана на 06/01/11 19:15 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/170570_Boris+Velchev+insists+that+Military+District+Prosecutor%27s+Offices+investigate+cases+of+police+brutality
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