02/14/12 11:16
Who's Afraid of contemporary dance?

Blender Club, 19:30
Price per ticket – 47 lv.
A ticket includes: entrance for the event, catering, a soft drink and a drink.
A SOCIAL NIGHT OF THE CONTEMPORARY DANCE THEATER. For personals, who actively communicate and love to enjoy! If you like unique experiences and DANCE ART in its varieties you will be represented to a superior mix of the best from MODERN DANCE in Europe.

A superior mix of the best from contemporary dance in Europe. A unique event in Bulgaria where modern art is going to be extremely close to public . In one night, on one stage, will be performing the biggest names of contemporary dance from The United Kingdom, Croatia, Greece and Bulgaria.
Special Appearance – Nigel Charnock – declared a national wealth by The Art Council in England, renowned as THE UNIQUE! A MAVERICK!
The irreparable “bad” boy of modern physical theater!For the first time in Sofia such an event will have such an IRREGULAR FORMAT, combining modern art with the natural strive of people for socializing and club entertainment. Expect an exclusive and unique night of the contemporary dance, when audience and dance art will blend in a new and alternative experience. Very social, very open, very informal.
Tickets are distributed by Eventim, or at the entrance of Blender Club (underpass of NDK) in the evening of the event.

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Публикувана на 02/14/12 11:16 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/195416_Who%27s+Afraid+of+contemporary+dance%3F
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