02/21/12 19:03
Another 25 Bulgarian dams to be inspected

Another 25 dams will be inspected by experts after the submission of alarming signals to the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism (MEET) by mayors and district governors who explicitly expressed their wish for the water basins to be inspected. At the moment, there is an ongoing inspection carried out by NEK EAD Dams and Cascades, Hydroelectroinvest and NEK of the initially declared 600 dams.
Expert teams have detected violations and have issued regulations for improving the security of water facilities. The requirements include the removal of the fence netting from the spillways, as well as their cleaning from vegetation, dismantling of the additionally mounted barrier components, elimination of fish cages placed in the immediate vicinity of the spillways, as well as the refurbishment and opening of the main outlets along with filling the wall cracks with concrete, including the reduction of the water volumes, as well as other activities.
According to MEET data, some of the dangerous dams are of unestablished ownership. At the BTA (Bulgarian Telegraph Agency) press conference, experts on the hydro-technical facilities announced that the wall of one of the nine largest reservoirs - Beli Iskar Dam is in a deplorable condition. As a result, imminent emergency repairs are needed to secure the facility. According to preliminary estimates, their cost will reach BGN 7.5 mln.
Besides, temperatures in Bulgaria and Romania are expected to increase by 8 - 10 degrees over the next 10 days and this will result in the melting and breaking of the ice on the Danube River, warned also the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), announced the Swiss website expatica.com, quoted by BTA.
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Публикувана на 02/21/12 19:03 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/196146_Another+25+Bulgarian+dams+to+be+inspected+
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