05/28/12 19:05
Some €200 mln needed to repair bridges and viaducts in the country

"Some €200 mln are needed to repair the bridges and viaducts in the country," stated the Prime Minister Boyko Borissov at the inspection of Trakia and Maritsa motorways today. In his words, Bulgarian bridges have not been repaired for 30 years, while the viaducts are in poor condition.
During the inspection, the Prime Minister was accompanied by the Minister of Regional Development and Public Workds, Liliana Pavlova and the Head of the National Road Infrastructure Agency, Lazar Lazarov. They also took part in the activities surrounding the safe replanting of the snowdrop flowers will be replanted about 50 m away from the motorway trace at the insistence of the environmental protection organisations.
PM Boyko Borissov stated that Maritsa highway was a very significant project and it was important to take safeguard measures to maintain the biological biodiversity. Minister Liliana Pavlova explained that the environmental requirements listed in the report on compliance are mandatory to be observed and if Bulgaria fails to comply with them, we will be deprived from the EU funding for the further construction of the highway.
"Besides, another 15-km section located between the towns of Nova Zagora and Yambol from the Lot 3 of Trakia motorway will be re-asphalted," stated Boyko Borissov. In his words, non-compliance had been detected in the applied technology for asphalt pavement there. The construction contractor is the Greek Aktor S.A. and this is the third company's violation detected in quality of construction.
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Публикувана на 05/28/12 19:05 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/205103_Some+%E2%82%AC200+mln+needed+to+repair++bridges+and+viaducts+in+the+country
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