02/21/12 19:17
Boyko Borissov dismisses Deputy Minister of Health Gergana Pavlova

The scandal with Gergana Pavlova occurred after an investigation of TV7, which proves that the Sopharma pharmaceutical company, headed by Ognyan Donev, sells drugs on the Serbian market at prices three times lower than those in Bulgaria. Gergana Pavlova, who is responsible for the prices of medicines in the Ministry of Health, can hardly explain why this is happening. Journalistic materials reveal that, years ago, Pavlova was manager at the Sopharma company and cast suspicions that she was promoting the company’s interests.
Later in the afternoon, the Parliamentary Group of GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) voted unanimously on the resignation of the Head of the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) Dr. Nelly Nesheva. Before the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Tsvetanov said that a political decision was made for this resignation to be accepted, despite the rumours that Nesheva might stay in office after the active support on the part of various NGOs and hospital establishments. GERB’s leaders said that they appreciated the work of Nesheva who was handling her duties well. The scandal with the Head of the NHIF occurred last week after activists from the Union of Democratic Forces announced that she had distributed bonuses amounting to BGN 30,000.
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Публикувана на 02/21/12 19:17 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/196152_Boyko+Borissov+dismisses+Deputy+Minister+of+Health+Gergana+Pavlova
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