02/23/12 19:13
Dams to acquire a statute of first-category construction sites according to proposed changes in the law

According to him, the overlapping in the powers of the State and municipalities regarding the control over illegal construction is an inefficient practice. For this reason, the proposed amendments to the regulatory framework envisage that the National Construction Supervision Directorate (NCSD) will be in charge of the control over all construction sites of first, second and third category, while local authorities will assume control over the other more common construction facilities (from 4th to 6th category). A State Acceptance Commission should accept the construction sites of first category, i.e. the NCSD will put these in operation. It will supervise the construction and assembly works and the repair of water facilities.
The amendments provide for an increase in the penalties for violation of the provisions of the SDA. It is suggested for consultant activities in the construction branch to be carried out under a registration regimen instead of the applied at present license regimen. The proposal is made because of the imperative need for the implementation of requirements included in the corresponding European Directive. Other proposals envisage Municipal Councils to have the right to allow, via decisions, larger deviations from the norms for building-up. So far, the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works has done this by order. The proposals also envisage that the Municipal Councils should be authorised to approve detailed plans for settlements of national importance, which has also been a responsibility of the Minister so far. The amendments specify the responsibilities of all participants in the construction – investment process.
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Публикувана на 02/23/12 19:13 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/196418_Dams+to+acquire+a+statute+of+first-category+construction+sites+according+to+proposed+changes+in+the+law
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