07/12/11 19:13
MRF to submit a vote of no-confidence against Tsvetanov

"MRF is ready to propose a vote of no-confidence in the Council of Ministers for the failing policy in the sphere of internal security and public order, for the police methods applied and the violation of fundamental human rights, and for the postponing of Bulgaria’s accession to the Schengen area for an indefinite time " said yesterday Deputy Chairman of MRF Lutvi Mestan. MPs from the Parliamentary Group of MRF announced that they were ready to pass on to other parties a draft of the motives.
"We think that it is appropriate for the vote to be submitted by the middle of next week and to be discussed at the end of next week or at the beginning of the week after," added Lutvi Mestan.
"The leadership of UDF will back the vote of no-confidence in the Cabinet in the security sector," said Martin Dimitrov, co-Chair of the Blue Coalition.
"We do not exclude the possibility that the next vote will be on the Government's entire policy but it might also focus on security issues," said Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Group of Coalition for Bulgaria, Angel Naydenov yesterday. According to Naydenov, the blocked reforms in the security sector and the lack of restructuring in the Ministry of Interior will be the main reasons.
"The opposition submitted a vote of no-confidence against the Government in the security sector "because this is the strongest sector," stated for reporters Valentin Nikolov, Vice-President of the Parliamentary Group of GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria). He said that the policies of GERB in the different sectors were consistent and that if, at the beginning, there had been failures in some spheres, these had now been corrected.
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Публикувана на 07/12/11 19:13 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/174915_MRF+to+submit+a+vote+of+no-confidence+against+Tsvetanov+
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