02/29/12 18:05
Bulgarian households spend more than 10% of their incomes on electricity bills
Bulgarian households spend more than 10% of their incomes on electricity bills, which means that they have deficiency of power and the country’s economy is very energy intensive, said a report of the Regional Policy Department with the European Commission on Bulgaria’s progress in the field of renewable energy sources (RES) and energy efficiency in buildings, drafted by experts from the Center for the Study of Democracy. Therefore, any future price increase of electricity (including such connected with the use of renewable energy and achievement of the 16% RES target) should be matched with support for vulnerable consumers. Not all buildings can be included in the currently existing support schemes. Moreover, a necessary prerequisite for participation in an energy efficiency scheme is the condominium associations to achieve a 100% agreement between the owners of flats which is not easily achievable, the report noted.The support for energy efficiency in buildings is very limited. At the time of drafting the report (the middle of 2011) no actual payment under these schemes was effected. Energy efficiency costs (e.g. for insulation) are too high to be borne by the average household in Bulgaria and this calls for greater participation on the part of the State.
The economic crisis had a strong negative impact on the regional development in Bulgaria and on potential beneficiaries, the report said. The data shows increased disparities between various regions in the country.
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Публикувана на 02/29/12 18:05 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/196951_Bulgarian+households+spend+more+than+10%25+of+their+incomes+on+electricity+bills
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