02/28/11 15:16
NRA inspections show that 90% of driving instructors conceal incomes

Due to these findings, inspections and audits of driving schools and instructors offering driving lessons will be launched across the country in 2011. NRA also demanded information from the Automobile Administration Executive Agency on the current data about the persons licensed to train future drivers of motor vehicles, data about the vehicles used for training and information about the candidate-drivers who sat for a driving exam at the Road Traffic authorities. Thus, NRA will be able to compare the data presented by driving instructors on the request of auditors and the actual number of people they have trained.
A risk analysis carried out by NRA showed that 88% of all companies and natural persons offering car driving courses are apt to conceal incomes and the resulting average damage to the budget is BGN 3.074 mln a year. According to tax authorities’ analyses, over 60% of the turnover of the driving instructors remain hidden and taxes are not paid on them.
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Публикувана на 02/28/11 15:16 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/160753_NRA+inspections+show+that+90%25+of+driving+instructors+conceal+incomes
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