03/01/12 18:00
Advertising Bulgarian tourism in Germany, the UK and Russia costs BGN 7 mln

Bulgaria is advertised in the three countries as a year-round tourist destination. The project managers share the opinion that the Internet is the most powerful medium which has reached the largest audience; then come television, print publications and brochures.
Our country is popular in specific segments on each of the markets, but associations are usually made with the Bulgarian seaside and winter resorts, SPA centres, cultural and historical sights, roses, wine, and last but not least - with Dimitar Berbatov.
The projects for advertising in the three countries are focused on three age groups of tourists - up to 34 years of age, between 34 and 44 years, and 60+, experts specified.
The number of cruise passengers worldwide increased by 10% in 2011, announced the Bulgarian Cruise Society. A total of 143 new ships have been launched over the last 10 years and 211 vessels with a total capacity of 325,400 beds service all destinations. By 2015, the number of cruise ships is expected to reach 232 with a total of 361,302 beds.
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Публикувана на 03/01/12 18:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/197058_Advertising+Bulgarian+tourism+in+Germany%2C+the+UK+and+Russia+costs+BGN+7+mln+
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