06/05/11 18:30
Hoteliers block the access to the Sunny Beach resort complex

According to Sunny Beach JSC, only part of the hoteliers are against the introduction of an order in the complex, while the protests are aimed at creating disorder and can ruin the tourist season. Two weeks ago, as Klassa wrote, the company announced a new scheme for the placement of temporary facilities and the introduction and collection of rent for them. Access restrictions for taxi vehicles, providers of food and drink in the complex have been introduced.
“This year, we expect the highest growth in tourists, compared to the last years,” announced in Plovdiv Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism (MIEET) Traicho Traikov. He predicted a 10% increase in the number of foreign travellers and a 30% growth in the tourists from Russia. The advertising campaign aimed at promoting our country as an attractive tourist destination, which was funded under Operational Programme Regional Development, contributed substantially for this growth.
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Публикувана на 06/05/11 18:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/170926_Hoteliers+block+the+access+to+the+Sunny+Beach+resort+complex
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