03/13/12 19:38
UDF appeals for suspension and audit of the NPP Belene construction project

The construction of NPP Belene should be suspended immediately, demanded yesterday UDF (Union of Democratic Forces) leader Martin Dimitrov. He explained that the current negotiations conducted with the Russian side on the plant's construction continue to be held in the dark. In late March, the extended deadline, within which a decision must be issued as to whether the NPP Belene project will be implemented, expires, added Dimitrov. In 2006, the Russian company Atomstroyexport offering a bid of €3.977 bn was selected as the project contractor. In 2011, the Russian company offered the amount of €6.3 bn as the fixed price for the plant's construction. In turn, the financial project adviser - the London-based HSBC Bank - has been making its analyses on the extent of the project's cost-effectiveness in view of the new price. According to the initial data, the NPP could be launched into profitable operation since this makes sense due to the lack of energy-generating facilities in the region.
Besides, the UDF demanded that Prime Minister Boyko Borissov present the HSBC analysis to MPs instead of the GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) government evading the questions posed by the Bulgarian Parliament. The Prime Minister must publicly disclose the contents of the report, as well as all possible future actions of the Cabinet on this important project, reckoned Dimitrov. According to him, if the government continues to hide information from Bulgarian citizens, it will repeat the disadvantages of the natural gas supply contracts unfavourable for Bulgaria, which were signed by BSP (Bulgarian Socialist Party) ministers with Russia. The right-wing party also demanded that a complete audit be carried out on the hitherto implemented construction works of the NPP Belene project. It would be better if the billions of leva that the Bulgarian state will allocate for the construction of the NPP are invested in the improvement of the energy efficiency of our economy and the homes of Bulgarian citizens, explained Dimitrov.
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Публикувана на 03/13/12 19:38 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/198226_UDF+appeals+for+suspension+and+audit+of+the+NPP+Belene+construction+project
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