04/20/12 18:32
BSP and IMRO to cooperate on organising a referendum on the NPP Belene construction project

BSP (Bulgarian Socialist Party) and IMRO (Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organisation) discussed at a joint session of Parliament yesterday their manner of cooperation on the initiation of the petition for a referendum on the NPP Belene construction project, as well as on the economic situation in Bulgaria and their joint actions to ensure the conducting of fair and transparent elections.
The preservation of the Bulgarian nuclear energy sector is our cause, stated BSP's leader Sergei Stanishev.
Stanishev said that the suspension of the NPP Belene construction project is a great national loss because this is the last significant and high-tech industrial project in Bulgaria, which also concerns national security and the energy independence of our country. For these reasons, the Coalition for Bulgaria has submitted a no-confidence motion to the GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) government and BSP continues to discuss the issue with other political parties and civil organisations.
It is not normal for the Bulgarian government to take a decision on the termination of the NPP Belene project without considering the opinion of either Bulgarians or experts, stated IMRO's leader, Krassimir Karakachanov. He added that, as always, now, IMRO will support the right of Bulgarians to participate in a referendum on the most important issues for our country.
The Socialists and IMRO members agreed on the benefits to be gained if the Initiative Committee for triggering the referendum were to include more experts and civil society representatives. Next Wednesday, IMRO's leadership will decide as to how the party will join the Initiative Committee. In order for the National Assembly to be obliged to declare the referendum, at least 500,000 signatures must be collected in a period of three months.
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Публикувана на 04/20/12 18:32 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/201779_BSP+and+IMRO+to+cooperate+on+organising+a+referendum+on+the+NPP+Belene+construction+project
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