03/25/12 19:30
Boyko Borissov on TV7: Tomorrow I will tell Putin about GERB's decision on the NPP Belene project

Tomorrow, at 10.30 hrs, I will hold talks with Putin in order to announce GERB's (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) final decision on the NPP Belene project, stated yesterday on TV7 Prime Minister Boyko Borissov. He refused to say what the final decision will be, but explained that the plant's construction will cost BGN 20 bn, which will be transferred over a 15-year period - unacceptable for Bulgaria. Borissov reiterated that there has to be another foreign investor for the completion of NPP Belene - either a European or an American one, besides the Russians. "We do not adhere to the cliché that Russia is a bad partner and the U.S. is always a good party," reckoned Borissov. We are loyal partners to the EU and we will not allow ourselves to act unfairly as a Trojan horse..
He stated that all projects can be submitted but the GERB government is guided by economic pragmatism. Borissov added that the implementation of the South Stream pipeline project is beneficial for Bulgaria.
The Trakia highway should be completed by October- November. Otherwise, in view of the coming winter season, construction will be postponed until the next spring. As a result, we are working very hard and paying on time, said Borissov. The PM added that, so far, Bulgaria has absorbed 21% of EU funds and the GERB government hopes that 40% will be utilised by the end of the year.
On the occasion of a reader's appeal for eradicating the entire former state administration inherited from previous Cabinets, Borissov responded that, pursuant to the effective Civil Servants Act, state employees must serve the state.
The PM stated that he will appoint Meglena Plougchieva as Bulgarian Ambassador to Switzerland because she has done everything possible for the absorption of EU funds and has built a very good reputation as an Ambassador to Germany. Borissov also named Evdokia Maneva, Reneta Indzhova, Alexandar Arabadzhiev, who have collaborated with former governments, but are now occupying important posts because they are experts.
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Публикувана на 03/25/12 19:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/199355_Boyko+Borissov+on+TV7%3A+Tomorrow+I+will+tell+Putin+about+GERB%27s+decision+on+the+NPP+Belene+project
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