03/26/12 19:35
The construction of Danube Bridge 2 to be completed ahead of schedule

So far, 72% of the bridge construction and 88% of the underlying infrastructure have been finished. On Friday, the construction of the last bridge pillar was launched. Besides, the completion of the embankments of the road and the railway access to the facility is also underway.
Within 10 days, the GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria party) government is expected to issue its final decision on the granting of another concession for extraction of inert materials needed for the bridge's construction, stated Minister of EU Funds Management Tomislav Donchev. In his words, this decision must solve all technical issues. Besides, the financial performance of the project is approximately 80%, stated the Transport Minister. Last month, Parliament voted that an additional amount of some € 26 mln should be allocated for the project implementation. The Spanish company won the construction tender with the lowest offered implementation cost of €100 mln. The funding is actually granted under the pre-accession programme ISPA.
Currently, there is an ongoing works design process for the road section between the town of Dimovo and the village of Ruzhintsi, which is part of an international motorway, explained also the Ministers. According to them, funding for this section is not provided in this programming period, but is scheduled for 2014.
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Публикувана на 03/26/12 19:35 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/199494_The+construction+of+Danube+Bridge+2+to+be+completed+ahead+of+schedule+
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