04/02/12 19:30
Industrial companies in the EU oppose the fees for harmful emissions

Companies in Bulgaria will be most affected by the new regulation because as of, July 1, the price of electricity will rise considerably because of the allowances and the increased volumes of energy generated by Renewable Energy Sources. “According to preliminary data, the charges will rise from BGN 3 to BGN 12 per 1 MWh, excise duty included.” said Konstantin Stamenov. He added that, since the beginning of the year, the aggregate increase in the price of energy resources in the country has reached 20%, given the price hike of electricity on free markets and the recent surge in natural gas prices of nearly 13%. “Bulgaria’s economy will mark a substantial slowdown in 2012 because of increased energy prices,” forecast Stamenov. He expects that large industrial enterprises, in the best of cases, will maintain their 2011 profits and some of them will continue to accumulate losses.
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Публикувана на 04/02/12 19:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/200207_Industrial+companies+in+the+EU+oppose+the+fees+for+harmful+emissions
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