04/16/12 18:18
Panagyurishte gold treasure returns home after 63 years

“The treasure is kept in the best possible way. All security measures are being taken and a state-of-the art technology is used for guarding it,” assured Deputy PM and Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov. The unique Thracian treasure, excavated in 1949 by three brothers - Pavel, Petko and Mihail Deikov, was until now kept in Sofia. The project for displaying the emblematic treasure in Panagyurishte was launched in March 2011. In addition to building the vault, the creation of two precise gold replicas of the collection has been financed by donors.
“Everybody says that the Panagyurishte gold treasure has returned to its home town after 63 years, but do you know why this was not possible for such a long time? Simply, there was no political will,” said Culture Minister Rashidov while cutting the ribbon at the official opening of the exhibition. Off the record, he proposed the establishment of an Initiative Committee for building busts of the men who discovered the gold treasure.
The original treasure will remain in Panagyurishte until May 16 and after that, a replica of the nine gold items will be displayed. It has been agreed that the treasure would return to its home for a month every year. This year, the gold treasure will be showcased in the Czech Republic and next spring - in the French Louvre.
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Публикувана на 04/16/12 18:18 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/201328_Panagyurishte+gold+treasure+returns+home+after+63+years
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