05/09/12 18:30
The clogged river bed and the torrential rain flood the village of Dubene

One of the probable reasons for the torrent which flooded the village of Dubene in the Karlovo Municipality this Tuesday afternoon was the bed of the river Martvitsa, which has not been cleaned for over 15 years, announced yesterday the village Mayor, Valko Shoylekov. Before the Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov and the Minister of Agriculture, Miroslav Naydenov, who arrived to inform themselves about the exact amount of damages inflicted, he explained that he had personally made an inspection of the source of the flooding and had established that the cause of the overflow was not the nearby dam but the torrential rain. 104 liters per sq m poured down for two hours yesterday. The village is situated between the Balkan and Sredna Gora (Middle Forest) mountains and water is collected in the village's lower parts, specified Shoylekov. He added that the completion of the village sewage system needed further funding of BGN 6 mln.
Yesterday, it became clear that the issue concerning the allocation of funds for cleaning the riverbeds in the area has been discussed with the Minister of Agriculture, Miroslav Naydenov. By Monday, the responsible institutions will draw up a report on the causes and the damages inflicted by the flooding, which will be submitted to the State Commission on Natural Disasters and Emergencies.
On May 8, torrential rain poured down the village of Dubene in the Karlovo Municipality. The water flooded about 30 houses, which prompted the evacuation of the citizens. The rescue teams saved 12 people, including six children from several of the affected buildings in the village.
The disastrous situation in the region is already under control, assured the Ministry of Interior. Teams of firefighters and rescuers are collaborating on curbing the detrimental effects of the flooding, according to the press centre of the Ministry of Interior. Yesterday, the Regional Prosecutor's Office Karlovo started an investigation on the causes of the flooding in the village.
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Публикувана на 05/09/12 18:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/203459_The+clogged+river+bed+and+the+torrential+rain+flood+the+village+of+Dubene
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