05/18/12 18:45
Drivers running a red light to be fined BGN 200 and receive a one-month driver's licence ban

Drivers running a red light or ignoring pedestrian crossings will be penalised with a fine of BGN 200 and a one-month revocation of their driver's licence, pursuant to the new amendments to the Road Traffic Act, which were adopted at first reading in Parliament yesterday. If the driver repeats this offence, the fine will be increased to BGN 400 and a 3-month revocation of the driver's licence.
The Coalition for Bulgaria, however, objected and voted against the sanctions. According to the former Transport Minister, Petar Mutafchiev, there are cases in which running a red or amber light cannot be avoided. "If you have reached the traffic lights and you cannot make a turn at the moment when someone crosses your way since you have already stopped in the middle of the intersection, then you must immediately cross at a red light. What are we supposed to do in this case? Shall we impose a ban on the driver's licence?," argued Mutafchiev.
Vesselin Davidov, MP from GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) opposed him by citing a question from the leaflets for driving tests. "You are driving at 40 km per hour when the traffic lights at the intersection turn amber. What are you supposed to do? The correct answer is: you must pass. If you are 30-40 m away, you should not cross the intersection." According to Davidov, the Traffic regulations are sufficiently clear with respect to crossing the road at red or amber traffic lights.
Lawmakers also voted on the imposition of a fine of BGN 500 on drivers who unduly park their vehicles at places designated for people with disabilities.
The new Traffic legislation also provides for vehicles to travel with lights on during the day, as well as the whole year round and not just in the period from November 1 to March 1.
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Публикувана на 05/18/12 18:45 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/204338_Drivers+running+a+red+light+to+be+fined+BGN+200+and+receive+a+one-month+driver%27s+licence+ban
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