05/18/12 19:28
A parliamentary committee to be set up in charge of investigating the scandal in Sliven

The Chairwoman of the parliamentary group of GERB Iskra Fidosova announced this news in Parliament. According to her, the behaviour of the Socialists is a disgrace which will affect the EC report on Bulgaria in July. Fidosova urged BSP not to purchase the election in the village of Saedinenie on Sunday in the same manner. She said that the events of the recent days have proven that the problems with the elections in the country are not due to the Election Code but to the purchase of votes. For this reason, the leaders of GERB are considering measures related to the Criminal Code, the Criminal Procedure Code and to the introduction of a possibility for the use of Special Investigative Means against this.
The MPs from BSP responded with a declaration of the Vice-President of the Parliamentary Group of Coalition for Bulgaria Mihail Mikov. According to him, the cynicism of the Government is beyond all limits and one cannot judge others unless they have personal ethics themselves.
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Публикувана на 05/18/12 19:28 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/204339_A+parliamentary+committee+to+be+set+up+in+charge+of+investigating+the+scandal+in+Sliven+
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