05/20/12 19:50
Forced by the warning strike, Totyu Mladenov to negotiate with Simeon Djankov on social workers’ salaries

He opened the spring sports festival of the employees from the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy at the Centre for Development of Human Resource in the metropolitan district of Kremikovtzi.
On Friday, officials from the Social Assistance Agency from across the country staged a warning protest because of the poor working conditions and low wages which have not been increased for four years. The trade unions also strongly supported the protest.
„A total of 89 sites in 65 directorates of the agency in 74 municipalities will be repaired in order for normal hygiene and working conditions to be ensured. The repairs will be implemented under Operational Programme Regional Development. In the towns of Shumen and Vidin the reconstruction works have already been carried out. The total project cost is approximately BGN 5.5 mln," said Totyu Mladenov.
”On May 23 at the latest, social workers will receive their working clothes and, by the end of the year, they will get new computers,” added the social Minister.
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