05/21/12 19:48

NSI reports an increase in visits to cinemas and theatres

“Visits to movie and theatre performances in the country grew substantially in 2011, compared to 2010,” announced the National Statistical Institute (NSI) yesterday. Shows in cinemas have increased by 23.1%, and visitors – by 11.8% for a year. The proceeds of tickets have increased by about BGN 2.7 mln.

Statisticians reported an increase in the theatre audienceas well. In 2011, 12,864 performances took place in the 73 theatres across the country. These were attended by 1.93 million people. Compared to 2010, performances were up by 12.4%, while visits grew by 15.1%. The average number of visitors to a theatre increased from 23,000 to 26,000 spectators, and the number of spectators per performance - from 147 to 150 people.

Dramatic theatres are most numerous in our country (40). They staged a total of 5,929 performances, but their share in the total performances decreased by 3.7%. In the meantime, puppet and drama - puppet performances were up by 4.4% and 0.7% respectively.

In 2011, a total of 50 music formations were active in the county: six philharmonic orchestras, 27 professional ensembles for folk songs and dances and 17 orchestra. Their concerts dropped by 23.2%, and the visits – by 20.7%. Companies and associations organized 27 recital performances, attended by 1,520 spectators.
A total of 705 concerts took place, which attracted some 231,000 music fans. Pop, rock and folk concerts gathered a total of 75,500 visitors.

As a result of the construction of new modern cinemas, equipped with modern techniques at the end of 2011 there were 43 cinemas in the country, with a total 150 cinema screens, showed the NSI data. The average annual attendance per screen was about 31, 000 spectators.
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