05/22/12 20:30
Large hospitals in Sofia forced to suspend the admission of patients

Large hospitals in Sofia have to suspend the admission of patients because of the low budget estimates, showed the audit of Klassa daily. The Multiprofile Hospital for Active Treatment (MPHAT) ''St Anna'', the University Poly-profile Hospital for Active Treatment "Alexandrovska" and the University Hospital '' Tsaritsa Yoanna – ISUL'' (Queen Yoanna) have spent their budgets and have sent letters to the National Health Insurance Fund in order to inform it of their dire financial situation.
"We are facing the compulsory discontinuation of the admission of patients due to the depletion of the funds in the budget projected by the NHIF for the March, April and May quarter," announced for Klassa daily the hospital Director Doctor Dimitar Dimitrov. According to him, the NHIF-projected budget for the hospital for 2012 is lower than the allocated budgets during the previous two years.
The inquiry on the number of patients released under DRGs (diagnosis related groups) and embedded implants in the MPHAT "St.Anna" makes it clear that, for the months of March, April and May in 2010, BGN 7,233,213 at an average price per DRG of BGN 935, 64 have been transferred from the treasury of the hospital, while in 2011, a total of BGN 6,926,845 were remitted at an average price of BGN 896.69 per DRG. For March and April 2012, the hospital transferred BGN 2,549,592 and BGN 2,276,086 for implemented DRGs and embedded implants, respectively.
The remainder of the projected budget of MPHAT "St. Ana" for the last month of the second quarter of this year amounts to BGN 1,882,883, which was absorbed in its full amount by May 22-23.
"The hospital expenditures increase, while the subsidies decline and this is a problem concerning the entire hospital care. In 2012, we registered increased prices for the same number of DRGs, as well as the same number of hospitalised patients and lower amounts of received grants," said Dr. Dimitrov. "The hospital, as a commercial company, cannot incur costs higher that the grants to be transferred to it under the contract concluded with the NHIF because we will violate the laws on the budget and we will be subject to severe penalties," added Dimitrov. The Health Ministry and the NHIF, as well as BMA (Bulgarian Medical Association)have been informed of the problem,. In order to operate efficiently, the hospital needs to be remitted about BGN 2.5 mln by the end of May, calculated Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov. MPHAT "St. Ana" has the status of both a university and an emergency hospital. Over 40% of the hospitalised patients were emergency cases who reside in Sofia, Sofia district and nationwide.
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Публикувана на 05/22/12 20:30 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/204726_Large+hospitals+in+Sofia+forced+to+suspend+the+admission+of+patients+
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