05/31/12 18:00
Good market prospects for Bulgarian grain producers

The yield in EU countries is expected at around 132 million tonnes, a record-low for the last four years. At the same time, big buyers in Italy and Spain delay their purchases for lack of money. “This situation and the dipped supply in the Black Sea region, in particular, can be to the advantage of Bulgarian producers who will be able to sell their high-quality wheat at a good price. Currently, a tonne of wheat in Bulgaria costs around BGN 360. The year-on-year drop in the price is some 11%, compared to a 26% decline in Hungary and 19% - in the Ukraine,” commented Belopitova. According to her, wheat production in our country will be 3.7 million tones at most this year, down from 4.2-4.3 million tonnes last year. Currently, Ukrainian wheat is traded at $226 per tonne on average and Commodity Exchange prices in Hungary are around $232/tonne. These price levels are reflected in the price of flour as well, which has decreased by some 11% -12% on an annual basis.
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Публикувана на 05/31/12 18:00 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/205515_Good+market+prospects+for+Bulgarian+grain+producers
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