05/31/12 19:55
Grisha Ganchev to sell his entire business within a year

The owner of the Professional Football Club (PFC) Litex, Grisha Ganchev, will sell, within a year, all his businesses and withdraw. The businessman announced his intention yesterday in an interview for Darik Radio. Grisha Ganchev is also withdrawing all his investments in the sports sector.
A few days ago, two charges were raised against Grisha Ganchev - for threatening to murder the Director of the NRA (National Revenue Agency) Krassimir Stefanov and for heading an organised criminal group specialised in tax fraud. Prior to that, on May 10, because of the allegations for tax evasion and VAT draining in particularly large amounts, Grisha Ganchev's son was arrested, as well as several senior officials of PFC Litex.
At the filing of the charges, Grisha Ganchev was served a 24-hour detention order by CDCOC (Chief Directorate for Combating Organised Crime). The businessman was in custody, however, for two hours and 45 minutes only in the early afternoon of May 29. For his release, the court ruled on a record-high bail for Bulgaria -BGN 500,000.
On Darik Radio, Grisha Ganchev explained that he had known for a long time Nedyalko Chandurov, who appears in the prosecutor's decision as an "intermediary" of the death threats against NRA's Head. However, the document fails to make clear whether Chandurov himself has informed Krassimir Stefanov of the threat. According to Ganchev, the recording was manipulated by the police. On it, the following statement of Ganchev can be heard: “I will disembowel that rosy-cheeked man...I will rip his abdomen sooner or later, be sure about that!...But I tell you that I will weave his intestines around his ears...You will see what will happen!''
For now, Grisha Ganchev is refusing the deal with another investor on the purchase of part of the football club CSKA (Central Sports Club of the Army).
Before Klassa daily, the Head of the football club Academy-Litex, Ferrario Spassov, expressed his surprise at the allegation that Ganchev is withdrawing from the sports sector.
Currently, four teams are training on the artificial football pitches in the town of Lovech, so it would be very unfortunate if Mr. Ganchev refuses to support the football club and the sports sector in general, commented Spassov.
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Публикувана на 05/31/12 19:55 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/205537_Grisha+Ganchev+to+sell+his+entire+business+within+a+year
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