06/17/12 17:17
Fidosova urges the media to publish their contracts for election ads

When the reporters of BNR asked her about the Judiciary System Act, which President Rosen Plevneliev has vetoed, Iskra Fidosova stated that she has scheduled an extraordinary meeting of the Legal Affairs Committee on Tuesday and the bill is expected to be submitted in the Plenary Hall again on Thursday. It should be borne in mind that, on June 14, Rosen Plevneliev vetoed the Judiciary System Act in its part concerning the career bonuses for members of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) and the inspectorate of the SJC. These provide that, after the expiry of the magistrates' mandates, they can return to the judiciary but at higher positions. The President vetoed the bill after Prime Minister Boyko Borissov announced that the law has to be changed both in its part about the career bonuses, "which SJC members do not deserve," but also because the current composition of the council should not be entitled to elect the Prosecutor General. The Head of State, however, did not veto the second part of the bill, related to the recommendations of the Prime Minister.
Fidosova commented on the imposed veto on the Forestry Act in Parliament. She stated that the bill will be reviewed entirely and the whole debate will be initiated again. "We will hold a meeting on Monday and, on Tuesday, we will also have a working meeting with our colleagues from the Agriculture and Forests Committee. I have no information about any more specific requirements for the controversial texts in the Forestry Act on the part of Brussels," commented Fidosova.
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Публикувана на 06/17/12 17:17 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/207005_Fidosova+urges+the+media+to+publish+their+contracts+for+election+ads
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