07/03/12 17:46
A money-lender and his bodyguard shot dead near Razlog

Spouses Miroslav and Emine Kyosevi, who were taking care of Donev's pets, were also travelling in the jeep. The man was slightly injured in the arm. His wife Emine, however, is in critical condition with eight life-threatening gunshot wounds to the entire body. Almost all of her internal organs have been affected: intestines, spleen, lungs, pericardium of the heart, said Dr. Bozhidar Velev, Manager of the Razlog Hospital. The woman will be transported for treatment to the Military Medical Academy in Sofia. Citizens called emergency number 112 to report the incident, thinking it was a crash, explained Valeri Georgiev, Spokesperson of the Blagoevgrad Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior. “A passing car on the road to Razlog called the emergency number to report that a jeep had stopped in an unusual way on the road from the village of Banya to Razlog. It was initially supposed that there were injured people in the jeep as a result of a car crash. Later on at the site of the crime, police teams determined that all four passengers in the jeep had been shot,” Valeri Georgiev said. Subsequently patrols blocked the road exits in the area but the search has not yielded any results yet.
Investigators suppose that the shooting was carried out with a Kalashnikov machine gun.
According to information of the Bulgarian News Agency, the murdered Vasil Donev is well-known in the region and only a month ago he was arrested in an operation by the General Directorate for Combating Organised Crime on suspicion of taking part in a usury and racketeering scheme. Donev is brother of Asya Rupchina, municipal councillor of VMRO-NIE in Bansko.
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Публикувана на 07/03/12 17:46 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/208018_A+money-lender+and+his+bodyguard+shot+dead+near+Razlog
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