07/18/12 17:16
Customs Agency employees plead with Borissov to stop their relocation to Rousse

In a letter to the Prime Minister, they inform Borissov what the relocation to Rousse would cost and stress that specific systems would have to be build all over again. Current staff expenses are expected to rise as some of the employees would have to travel to take part in expert panels, commissions and councils, the authors of the letter say. They underline potential hindrances to the Agency's operations that could cause problems with businesses and hinder revenue collection.
Another important consideration, the employees say, is staff expertise and the money spent on improving qualification. A significant part of people currently working for the Agency are likely to turn down the offer to relocate, causing a long-term and irreversible meltdown in administrative capacity and a consequent drop in government receivables and client service efficiency. Training the new employees to perform specific Central Customs Directorate's tasks will require fresh investments for years to come, the letter warns.
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Публикувана на 07/18/12 17:16 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/208818_Customs+Agency+employees+plead+with+Borissov+to+stop+their+relocation+to+Rousse+
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