08/06/12 17:51
NSI: In July residents of towns in Bulgaria grew richer; those living in villages got poorer

In addition, in April consumers estimated less pessimistically the changes to the financial state of their households over the last 12 months and their expectations for the next 12 months were more optimistic. The consumer confidence index in July grew 7.8 points from its April level, the increase for town residents being 9.1 points and 4.6 points for people in villages.
“Consumers' opinions about the development of the economic situation in Bulgaria as a whole over the last twelve months, as well as their expectations for the next twelve months were less negative compared to the previous survey of the institute,” Reneta Indzhova from NSI commented.
Consumers responded that over the last twelve months consumer prices increased, but at a slower pace. Consumers' inflation expectations for the next twelve months remained unchanged as well. Consumers expected that unemployment over the next twelve months would remain unchanged or would show an insignificant decline.
The latest survey of NSI shows slight optimism in the general assessment of the current situation in terms of spending on durable goods. The balance index of consumers' sentiments on buying such goods in the next twelve months registered an increase in July.
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Публикувана на 08/06/12 17:51 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/209889_NSI%3A+In+July+residents+of+towns+in+Bulgaria+grew+richer%3B+those+living+in+villages+got+poorer
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