08/07/12 17:17
The tourism industry calls for a specialised police

The proposals were sent by hotel owners to the Minister of Interior Tsvetan Tsvetanov and to Chief Commissioner Angel Antonov, who is Head of the National Police Chief Directorate, BIA informs.
The organisation claims that the Nesebar District Police Department is one of the busiest during the tourist season. More than 450,000 tourists flock from Pomorie to Obzor in the summer. No municipality with population growing ten times can cope with security issues. Therefore, this is a reasonable demand, Blagoy Ragin, Chairman of the Bulgarian Hotel and Restaurant Association, told klassa.bg.
Hotel owners propose that every year, at the beginning of the summer tourist season, experts from the Nesebar District Police Department should train hotel staff to be more vigilant and prevent accidents.
Ragin added that organisations from the tourism industry and the Social Ministry would meet on September 15 to discuss protection and security projects, which tourism organisations could use to apply for EU funding. According to Ragin, the EU has earmarked about BGN 40 mln for such projects.
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Публикувана на 08/07/12 17:17 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/209950_The+tourism+industry+calls+for+a+specialised+police
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