10/15/12 17:13
Fandakova: There will be no waste disposal crisis

Fandakova promised it won't come to another waste disposal crisis despite the impending shut-down of the site in the Suhodol district by the end of the year.
In September, Sofia Municipality announced it has altered the recultivation plan for the old dumping-ground, which is being carried out by a group called Closing Down the Dolni Bogorov Site, Trud Daily reported. Under the new project, the spare capacity will be taken up with waste materials and the rest of it – recultivated. This task will cost BGN 36 mln and take 36 months to complete, in other words, by the end of 2015, at which point the new waste-processing facility should have been finished, according to Fandakova.
The Dolni Bogorov project has been changed due to a delay in the facility's funding approval from the European Commission. According to Fandakova, all requirements have been met but co-ordination between different EU agencies on the matter is dragging out. "Different options are being discussed – the question at hand is whether or not there is state aid," Mayor Fandakova added.
The Dolni Bogorov dumping-ground took care of Sofia's waste from 1972 till 1995 and was supposed to be shut down in 2010. It was originally 427 decares but after the Lesnovska River embankment collapsed during the floods in 2005, the waste now covers an area of 600 decares.
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Публикувана на 10/15/12 17:13 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/213545_Fandakova%3A+There+will+be+no+waste+disposal+crisis+
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