10/28/12 14:58
Three candidates for VMZ Co. Sopot to file documents on Monday

"The three enterprises are Bulgarian strategic investors and are known to the public. They are currently working with VMZ Co. Sopot and are familiar with it. As early as Tuesday, we will announce who has been admitted to the privatisation procedure," promised Karanikolov. He was adamant that the strategy for the privatisation of VMZ Co. Sopot does not permit lay-offs and wage cuts for three years after signing the deal. "Public liabilities are about BGN 47 mln. Liabilities to employees are about BGN 1.3 mln," explained Karanikolov.
With respect to the privatisation of BDZ-Freight, the Executive Director of the Privatisation Agency said that the eligibility criteria were approved last week. On Friday, he informed that the second auction for the company will start within two weeks.
The privatisation of the Domestic Diplomatic Properties Agency is also forthcoming and it has attracted a lot of interest, Karanikolov announced. According to him, it is expected to be sold and the money will enter the state budget next year.
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Публикувана на 10/28/12 14:58 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/214411_Three+candidates+for+VMZ+Co.+Sopot+to+file+documents+on+Monday+
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