10/19/11 19:12

The difference in the support for the three most popular candidates for President decreases

“The difference in the support for the three most popular candidates for President - Rosen Plevneliev, Ivaylo Kalfin and Meglena Kuneva, decreases,” announced yesterday Kolio Kolev, Director of the Mediana sociological agency K. According to him, the three main contenders registered an increase in the support last week, but with different rates. There is an increase of 3% for Meglena Kuneva, compared to the previous month. The support for Ivaylo Kalfin rose by 1.3%, while the rise in the number of supporters of Rosen Plevneliev is negligible. Thus, the difference in the ratings of the three main candidates now is about 6%. According to him, it is extremely difficult to predict the election results, because the vast majority of people say that they may change their mind at the last minute.

“About 38% of the voters, who are likely to change their electoral mindset, will determine the vote," said the sociologist. He also emphasised that, for the first time, about 52% of the people had refused to participate in the polls, making studies very uncertain.

Merely 62.2% of the respondents are firm in their preferences. Kolev said that the picture of firm supporters and soft voters was different for the different candidates. Rosen Plevneliev has 23.1% solid voters, but 6.7% of his supporters still hesitate. Ivaylo Kalfin has 18% firm support but he has 5.2% hesitating voters. This ratio is 9.2% to 7.9% in the case of Meglena Kuneva.

The forecast results of the Mediana sociological agency identify 36% of the ballot for Plevneliev. The expected results for Ivaylo Kalfin and Meglena Kuneva are respectively 30% and 20%. Volen Siderov, and Rumen  Hristov will receive 5% each, and Atanas Semov, Alexey Petrov and Karakachanov - 1% each.

Some 17% of the citizens say they will not vote in these elections.

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