10/30/12 17:14
Bulgaria will offer GHG quotas at the common EU auction platform
The third phase of the EU scheme for the trading of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission allowances under the Emissions Trading System (ETS) will start on January 1, 2013. Installations and aircraft operators participating in the ETS will have to purchase an increasing amount of their allowances at auctions, the Ministry of Environment and Water announced. Bulgaria, along with 23 Member States, will offer its quotas at the common European auction platform (only Germany, the UK and Poland have national auction platforms). The state can sell a small part of these quotas (3,277,000 for Bulgaria) at the so-called "early auctions" which are expected to start in November 2012. They will be organised by the European Energy Exchange, which was awarded pan-European public procurement.Thanks to the efficiency and the good organisation between the Ministry of Environment and Water, the Bulgarian National Bank and the Ministry of Finance, the tight deadlines imposed by the European Commission have been met. Thus, Bulgaria is the first Member State of the EU which has fulfilled all requirements, has successfully carried out the necessary tests and can provide quotas for greenhouse gas emissions at the first auction of the temporary common auction platform. Comprehensive regulations of procedures for the disbursement of funds from the auctions will be stipulated in detail in the new Law on Curbing Climate Change.
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Публикувана на 10/30/12 17:14 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/214615_Bulgaria+will+offer+GHG+quotas+at+the+common+EU+auction+platform
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