11/08/12 16:29
The Prosecution Office wants life imprisonment for five of "The Killers"
Life imprisonment threatens Petar Stoyanov - The Sumo Wrestler, Georgi Valev, Yanko Popov and Vassil Kostov. Prosecutor Assia Petrova insisted on the most severe punishment for them, while for Peter Atmadzhov - life imprisonment with the possibility of parole. The state prosecution demanded that Raicho Stoynev be sentenced to 20 years behind bars.
The Sumo Wrestler and his gang were taken to court in order to be held responsible for three murders and a series of beatings and arsons committed for money. The gang set a price on human life of BGN 30,000. There are shocking stories of people, severely beaten for a price of BGN 1,000. Usually, two people would break arms. They would charge BGN 500 for the "service".
On the first day of the trial, Petar Stoyanov - the Sumo Wrestler said that there is evidence of a settlement between the executive and the judiciary power on the case.
"The Killers" will be sued for three more murders, Interior Minister Tsvetan Tsvetanov confirmed in Rome. Sumo Wrestler's gang will be accused of the attack on businessman Yuri Galev and the death of two of its own - Vladimir Filev and George Georgiev.
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Публикувана на 11/08/12 16:29 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/215323_The+Prosecution+Office+wants+life+imprisonment+for+five+of+%22The+Killers%22
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