01/10/12 19:12
Diana Kovacheva insists on more transparency in the SJC

New Justice Minister Diana Kovacheva has insisted for more publicity and transparency in the procedures for selecting members of the Supreme Judicial Council. According to her, measures are also needed for more clarity in the appointments in the judiciary.
The Minister of Justice took part in the discussion on The EU during the Danish Presidency. Where is Bulgaria. “We expect sentences in several high-profile lawsuits in the coming months,” said Kovacheva. In response to a question whether she attempted to interfere in the court’s work with her ‘expectations’, Kovacheva said she did not specify what verdicts she expects – ‘guilty or not guilty’.
She insisted before the media that judges should be encouraged by the trust of the public. The Criminal Assets Forfeiture Law will be submitted to the National Assembly at the end of January, said the Minister of Justice. She stated that the Government would not change its intention to carry out confiscations without the criminal convictions to be enforced.
"The new bill will not retreat from the idea that the seizure must be made by a civil court, i.e. we are talking about civil forfeiture. This is the so-called non-conviction-based principle, required by the European Commission. It is absolutely accepted and will be followed," stated Kovacheva.
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Публикувана на 01/10/12 19:12 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/191992_Diana+Kovacheva+insists+on+more+transparency+in+the+SJC
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