12/05/12 16:18
The President asks Sergei Ignatov to give explanations for the Scientific Research fund

Plevneliev was asked to comment on the scientists' demand for Minister of Education Sergei Ignatov's resignation because of suspected misuse of the Scientific Research fund.
"There is no public procurement without winners and losers, and losers always did their best to be heard, too. There is nothing wrong with that," said the President to reporters regarding scientists' demands for a review of the competition “Financing Basic and Applied Research in Priority Areas”.
According to Plevneliev, this is the reason why it would be good to hear the arguments of the Minister and those of the committees - why they chose exactly these projects, what the meaning of the projects was, why they were competitive, how they would contribute to the state.
Sergei Ignatov accused scientists of a political protest.
The fund has been under an audit procedure, which has discovered no striking violations for the period from 2009 to date, the Minister said. He added that, on December 10, a procedure will begin, according to which everyone concerned will have the opportunity to check their review and file an objection. In case the objection is accepted, their project will be funded. If violations are discovered, appropriate measures will be taken.
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Публикувана на 12/05/12 16:18 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/217891_The+President+asks+Sergei+Ignatov+to+give+explanations+for+the+Scientific+Research+fund
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