12/26/12 16:46
Bulgarians celebrate the Christmas Holidays at home

The data showed that Bulgarians' celebrating habits are extremely stable and do not depend on any particular economic situation of the country, the ban on smoking in public places or even the financial status of Bulgarians.
Some 84% of the respondents in the nationally representative survey conducted this December, said that, on Christmas Eve and Christmas, they will be with their family and will celebrate at home. Another 4% will enjoy holiday meals and Christmas festivities at friends' homes. Only a few respondents said that they will celebrate Christmas outside the house - 1% in a restaurant and 1% abroad. Slightly less than 1% of the population made reservations for Christmas Eve and Christmas in a Bulgarian winter resort.
The percentage of people celebrating Christmas Eve and Christmas outside their house was slightly higher among young adult Bulgarians (aged 18-25), Bulgarians with a personal monthly income of over BGN 700 (5% of these chose a trip or holiday abroad for Christmas), as well as university graduates.
Although celebrating New Year's Eve is not as family-oriented as Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, it will also take place in a domestic environment. The data on the habits of celebrating New Year's Eve has remained without any significant change in the past six years.
Some 72% of Bulgarians said that they will celebrate New Year's Eve at home. Another 11% were invited to visit friends on December 31 and 2% will visit relatives in the countryside. Those who will celebrate outside their home are a total of 5%. Some 3% of those will go to a restaurant and 2% chose a ski resort or a trip abroad.
Celebrating New Year's Eve at home is most common among Bulgarians aged over 55, residents of villages, Bulgarians with primary and lower education. The youngest (aged 18-25) and citizens of Sofia are among the people who most often celebrate outside their homes. Some 35% of those aged between 18-25 will visit friends for New Year's Eve, 7% will go to a restaurant and 3% will visit a Bulgarian winter resort.
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Публикувана на 12/26/12 16:46 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/220051_Bulgarians+celebrate+the+Christmas+Holidays+at+home
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