01/06/13 17:21
Bulgarians are moderately pessimistic about the future of the labour market
After several years of crisis and stagnation on labour markets, European citizens share rather sceptical and pessimistic expectations about the unemployment rate and employment opportunities in the next two years. Only 23% of EU residents expect a recovery from the economic crisis in two years and the situation in their country to have improved in terms of employment. Over 70% of the respondents from the European Community share pessimistic expectations about the situation on the labour market, even after a two-year period.
France is the country with the highest share of sceptics as to the end of the economic crisis. Only 11% of the French people expect a recovery of the economy and labour markets within two years. Similar attitudes are shared in Greece – the EU country most seriously affected by the crisis. A total of 85% of the Greeks believe that the economy of their country will not have recovered in two years and finding a job will still be difficult.
Sweden is the only EU country where optimistic attitudes regarding the future of the labour market are predominant. Some 52% of the Swedes believe that, within two years, the worst of the crisis and the stagnation on the labour market will be over.
Although optimism in Denmark, Estonia and Finland is above the European average, even in these countries the majority of the population is rather concerned that the crisis in their economy and on the labour market will continue after two years.
The expectations of Bulgarians about the future of labour markets and the crisis in general are close to the EU average - rather pessimistic, but not as much as in Greece, France and Slovenia. Some 23% of Bulgarian citizens hope and believe it is possible for the crisis to have subsided in two years and keeping their job to be easier than at present. Pessimistic expectations are shared by almost three times more Bulgarians - 63% of the respondents in our country do not believe that the crisis on the domestic labour market will be over within two years.
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Публикувана на 01/06/13 17:21 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/220757_Bulgarians+are+moderately+pessimistic+about+the+future+of+the+labour+market
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