01/06/13 16:50
Sergey Stanishev аccuses the Prime Minister of being against the development of nuclear energy in the country
This was the comment of BSP's President and President of PES, Sergey Stanishev, on the occasion of yet another change in the position of the Prime Minister today, BSP announced. Stanishev reminded that when more than 770,000 signatures were gathered by the Initiative Committee, Borissov claimed that the question should be voted the way it was asked; later GERB replaced it.
"All the time, the Prime Minister talked about how GERB supports the development of nuclear energy, but this appeared to be yet another lie of the Government," stated Sergey Stanishev. He said that, now, the truth is coming to light for everybody - GERB does not want new nuclear capacity, but for electricity prices to be determined by renewable sources which are much more expensive. According to the leader of the Socialist party, this position is against the interests of citizens and the development of Bulgaria as a high-tech country.
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Публикувана на 01/06/13 16:50 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/220775_Sergey+Stanishev+%D0%B0ccuses+the+Prime+Minister+of+being+against+the+development+of+nuclear+energy+in+the+country
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