01/04/12 19:36
Stanishev: BSP wants to change things for the better

"We certainly can expect an interesting, intense year," said Stanishev. He pointed out that more versions and interpretations were being launched in the public area that GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) leaders were preparing for early elections in order to secure their access to power in the future. The BSP leader said that ruling the country was not a goal for itself for the left-wing parties. He once again assured that the Socialists had the ambition to be a clear, unequivocal and firm opposition.
Stanishev recommended to Prime Minister Boyko Borissov to stop explaining his own failures through problems with the previous Government. According to the former Prime Minister and socialist leader, the Cabinet of the tripartite coalition managed to reduce the state debt to BGN 4.70 bn and left a fiscal reserve of BGN 8.2 bn, while over the two years of government of GERB the state debt increased by BGN 2 bn, and the fiscal reserve was reduced by half. “So by the end of their term, Bulgaria would have lost some BGN 10 bn. "This will be the legacy of GERB,” said Stanishev.
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Публикувана на 01/04/12 19:36 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/191491_Stanishev%3A+BSP+wants+to+change+things+for+the+better
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