01/06/13 16:01
Sofia Airport sentenced to pay $38 mln to a Kuwaiti company
Upon the completion of construction, however, the contractor filed a claim against Sofia Airport for delaying the building permits, raising the cost of the work and outstanding payments.
The Transport Ministry then stated that the Kuwaiti company had not presented invoices for its extra costs and these were, therefore, not paid. Ultimately, however, the Paris Court of Arbitration ruled in favour of the Kuwaiti side.
The airport assured that the dispute with the Kuwaiti company is private and the airport is capable of paying the indemnity. However, the airport’s CEO Veselin Peykov explained to investor.bg that he will wait with the payment. “We will wait for the ruling of the Bulgarian court. It seems to me that there are some blunders in the decision of the Paris Court of Arbitration, which should be reconsidered,” he stated.
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Публикувана на 01/06/13 16:01 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/220777_Sofia+Airport+sentenced+to+pay+%2438+mln+to+a+Kuwaiti+company+
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