01/13/13 18:01
More than 50% of young Bulgarians to vote "Yes" in the upcoming referendum
The Students Media Society Association published the results of an independent survey among users of the Facebook social network. SMSA's aim was to evaluate Bulgarians' sentiments on the upcoming referendum, where they will have the chance to support or reject the construction of a new nuclear power plant.With a target group of 6,000 people, the survey recorded 650 responses and shares in the two weeks since it started.
The association concluded that Bulgarians between the age of 18 and 39 intend to participate in the referendum, with men being the more active gender. Some 89.7% of people surveyed said they will vote, while the rest 10.3% will refrain from exercising their right. Asked about how they are going to vote, 57.6% of the respondents were positively inclined and the other 42.4% will vote "No". These are preliminary results as the survey will continue till January 25.
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Публикувана на 01/13/13 18:01 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/221433_More+than+50%25+of+young+Bulgarians+to+vote+%22Yes%22+in+the+upcoming+referendum+
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