01/15/13 17:14
Varna and Burgas airports report a 4.9% growth in 2012
The operator Fraport Twin Star Airport Management informed that Germany and Russia remained the key markets of the two airports. For a second consecutive year, the Russian market was of foremost importance for the airports of Varna and Bourgas with a high growth rate, the Russian capital Moscow being the most preferred destination for both Bulgarian seaside airports.
Bourgas Airport serviced a total of 2,380,536 passengers last year, registering a 5.65% increase. The largest number of its passengers - 529,890 - were from Russia, 35% more than in 2011. Passengers from Germany followed in number, which remained almost unchanged from the previous year. Guests from the UK and the Czech Republic registered 6% and 22% growth, respectively. July and August were again the most dynamic months for Burgas Airport when it serviced a total of 700,000 passengers per month, ranking the airport first for a second consecutive year in terms of monthly traffic in Bulgaria. Moscow, Prague and London were the destinations to which the highest number of passengers flew.
In 2012, Varna Airport serviced 1,221,468 passengers, registering a positive growth of 3.35%. For the first time over the last six years, an upward trend in the passenger traffic to the Northern Bulgarian Black Sea coast was observed. Varna Airport was reopened at the end of February 2012 after the successful completion of the major infrastructure project for rehabilitation of its runway for taking off and landing. Guests from Russia were the most numerous passengers serviced in 2012. Their number increased by 20%, reaching 343,674 people. They were followed by passengers flying to and from Germany, whose number rose by 15%. Traffic along domestic lines (Sofia) reported a 7% growth. The three most preferred destinations to and from Varna Airport were Moscow, Sofia and Dusseldorf.
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Публикувана на 01/15/13 17:14 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/221644_Varna+and+Burgas+airports+report+a+4.9%25+growth+in+2012
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