01/21/13 17:03
Sofia is the second cheapest tourist destination
The cheapest destination for low-budget tourists is Bucharest. A one-day stay in Romania’s capital costs around 78 lei or $23. The ranking of low-budget travel destinations is dominated by the cities of Central and Eastern Europe. The Polish city of Krakow ranks third, followed by Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Ukrainian capital Kiev, the Latvian capital Riga, Serbia’s Belgrade, Hungary’s Budapest, Poland’s Warsaw and Croatia’s Zagreb.
At the other end of the scale is Zurich in Switzerland, which tops the ranking of the most expensive tourist destinations for another consecutive year. The cheapest one-day stay there is 109 Swiss francs, or about $120. A stay in Oslo, Norway, is also expensive – at least some $110 per day. Among the most expensive travel destinations are also Venice, Stockholm, Helsinki, Amsterdam, London, Brussels, Copenhagen and Edinburgh. In the middle of the ranking are Barcelona, Hamburg, Florence, Dublin, Dubrovnik, etc.
Прочети цялата новина
Публикувана на 01/21/13 17:03 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/222174_Sofia+is+the+second+cheapest+tourist+destination
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