02/11/13 16:25
All State institutions check EDCs
All state institutions that are relevant to high electricity bills have initiated checks, Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Delian Dobrev assured on Monday on bTV. These include the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism (MEET) and the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC)."All the signals received by MEET and SEWRC will be sent to a State institution - the Bulgarian Institute of Meteorology in order to check the electric metres," added Dobrev.
He explained in detail how and in what ways electricity enters every home and which components "on its way" are calculated in the final energy bill.
"Annually, the electrical grid undergoes hundreds of repairs. It is important to clarify - previously, we talked about transportation and distribution, but it is important to say that, as of June 1, 2012, there are two new lines in electricity bills - the addition for green energy and non-renewable costs - this increases the price of the final bill by about 13% - 14%. And let me also note that, in 2011, we had no contract signed for green energy," explained the Minister.
A number of events happened that led to higher bills in December 2012. The reporting period is much longer, about 38 days to 40 days. Therefore, the bill for December is paid together with part of the bill for January - with this bill we will pay a third more than we had to pay, Delian Dobrev explained. Dobrev reminded that, since July 2012, the price of energy has risen by 14%.
In conclusion, the Minister said that SEWRC determines all prices of the monopolist. "All costs that we pay to the electricity distribution companies (EDCs) were determined four years ago. All users should be able to choose another supplier rather than EDCs," said Delian Dobrev.
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Публикувана на 02/11/13 16:25 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/224023_All+State+institutions+check+EDCs
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