11/04/12 14:35
Nearly half of Bulgarian workers are willing to take a second job

Currently, 46% of adult Bulgarians are working full time and 4% are employed part-time. Over two-thirds (68%) are employed in the private sector.
27% of Bulgarians are adamant that they would take on a second job, if they had the chance. 22% of working adult Bulgarians also respond in the affirmative, although a little more evasively. In total, almost half of Bulgarians are willing to take on an additional job.
The percentage willing to sacrifice their free time for a higher income is larger among men (55%), residents of small towns (54%) and public sector employees (55%). 43% of workers in our country say that they would rather not work in addition to their main job. 25% are definitely unwilling to sacrifice their free time in order to work overtime.
The share of people not willing to take on a second job is significantly higher among women who work in the youngest age group (18-25 years) and among inhabitants of the capital city. About half of these groups say they are not willing to start a second job.
Although nearly half of employed Bulgarians say they want to work extra for more money, only 6% actually have some sort of additional employment. 3% of Bulgarians have a second job and 3% work extra hours (for extra payment) on their main job.
The percentage of people with a second job is slightly higher among those employed in state institutions - 6%. A higher percentage of people working extra hours on their main job is found among the youngest - 18 to 25 year olds, as well as among inhabitants of small towns.
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Публикувана на 11/04/12 14:35 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/214900_Nearly+half+of+Bulgarian+workers+are+willing+to+take+a+second+job
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