02/12/13 16:07
An increasing number of Bulgarians shop online
If we compare Bulgaria with the other countries in Europe, we are at the bottom, the smallest number of people shop online – some 5 to 10 times less than in the other European countries. Nevertheless, Bulgaria has marked an improvement in terms of how consumers protect their rights.
Bulgaria ranks first in terms of growth of consumer confidence in the market. This is attributed to the fact that Bulgarians believe in institutions and consumer organisations. Consumer confidence in the providers of services via the Internet has increased, too. The number of Bulgarians who believe in the safety of the products sold online has increased by 10% and consumers who state they would submit a complaint in case they have problems has increased by 22%.
Bulgarians most often shop online from the UK, France, Germany and Italy, added Ignat Arsenov.
Прочети цялата новина
Публикувана на 02/12/13 16:07 http://www.klassa.bg/News/Read/article/224119_An+increasing+number+of+Bulgarians+shop+online
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