08/07/16 07:05
Dimitar Kostadinov, BSR: The annual schedule of 63 trains will be restored on September 15, it is now changed for repair of locomotives
September 15 is the last date in which we intend to regulate and to bring back the annual schedule of 63 trains. This said, in an interview with "Focus" Dimitar Kostadinov - manager of "BSR - Passenger Transport" Ltd. regarding the topic of changes in the movement of some trains. According to him, this does not mean that there will be no gradual return of trains. Kostadinov added that in the moment that locomotives, able to run come, BSR will modify and adjust the schedule in order to restore the old schedule."The main reason for these changes is associated with aging rolling stock. The locomotives are 40-45 years old and are no longer reliable enough in terms of repairs. Constantly during the summer season accurs accumulation of random repairs due to weather and high temperatures. This happens every summer, explained the manager of "BSR - Passenger Transport." According to him, the way out of this situation was sometimes was accomplished by increasing the distance that trains, not in repair, run.
"But we have adopted a new priority - not to allow such compromises with safety and not to run move locomotives reached its mileage, nevermind the fact, that they, have to be stopped for repairs," added Dimitar Kostadinov.
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